Left to Right: Joe, Josh, Jon, Ben, Jakob, Ellie Mattie, Willa, Millie, Esther, Janel, Tim June 27, 2020 I'm not sure if we are truly the top of the alphabet in our Corneliusen clan, but since I have no current takers to introduce your own family, I will introduce our current family. 2020 may have been a little upside down but we made the most of it in some very big ways. In March when everyone came home for "a week", it was fun and exciting and we treated it like a stay-cation of sorts. Our college sophomore was home on break and we welcomed the opportunity for his extended stay. It was sort of a welcomed time for some additional planning for our upcoming graduations, baseball games, track meets and of course a June wedding! Invitations had just arrived and were being addressed and despite the looming obscurity of a theoretical pandemic, the midwest just seemed to be taking a short pause, almost as if just to catch up on the world wide news. ...