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Arvid and Sherry Corneliusen Family

Celebrating 50 yrs! Christmas 2020 Christmas 2018  
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The Andreasen's

Left to Right:  Joe, Josh, Jon, Ben, Jakob, Ellie Mattie, Willa, Millie, Esther, Janel, Tim June 27, 2020 I'm not sure if we are truly the top of the alphabet in our Corneliusen clan, but since I have no current takers to introduce your own family, I will introduce our current family.  2020 may have been a little upside down but we made the most of it in some very big ways.  In March when everyone came home for "a week", it was fun and exciting and we treated it like a stay-cation of sorts.  Our college sophomore was home on break and we welcomed the opportunity for his extended stay.  It was sort of a welcomed time for some additional planning for our upcoming graduations,  baseball games, track meets and of course a June wedding!  Invitations had just arrived and were being addressed and despite the looming obscurity of a theoretical pandemic, the midwest just seemed to be taking a short pause, almost as if just to catch up on the world wide news. ...

Reunion Registration

Day by day our reunion date draws closer.  I realize that not everyone may know what their plans can or will be in 2022, but it would be great if everyone could fill out this registration regardless.  If you know that you won't be attending for sure, just indicate that and don't send money!  :)   This initial registration is quite simple.   Once we know how many people are planning to attend, a more detailed statement will be available to everyone with final amounts due.  My most sincere hope is that I have calculated the highest amount anyone's registration would be (unless you're planning to stay in a hotel away from the main camp site).  You should be able to click on the link below to open the registration document in a new window.  Please fill it out by printing it to mail or copying and pasting it into an email.  If you have trouble opening the document you can request one be emailed or mailed to you by contacting me at jeandreasen@me.c...

Camp Norwesca will be waiting for us

Located steps outside of Chadron State Park, Nebraska's oldest state park, in Chadron , NE; Camp Norwesca will be the setting for our 2022 Corneliusen Family Reunion.  If you're unfamiliar with this little section of Nebraska, it is nestled in the picturesque arch-shaped escarpment some 100 miles long and 20 miles wide known as the Pine Ridge.  The Ridge, a division of the Nebraska National Forest, consists of intermingled stands of ponderosa pine and prairie.  It is rugged country with broken ridges, buttes and small streams and pains are taken to retain the pristine integrity of the area.  The northern edge of the High Plains in Nebraska, it was formed during the Cenozoic Era when the Rocky Mountain and Blak Hills uplifts began.   Exploring the vast, wild lands west of the Missouri River in the 19th Centruy, fur traders pushed into unchartered areas, building remote trading posts to swap the Indian's good for furs. It took a far and courageous trader to be suc...

Building a Family Blog

 I used to be really good at blogging.  Somehow life always seems to derail my best laid plans with things like technology advancements, aging and the inability to pull more hours out of a day.  I'm not sure whose idea it is to change how electronic things work on a regular basis.  I find that I'm now challenged to make enough time to relearn where the right buttons are and how to resize things to the new pixel standard, so I sit down, cup of coffee and 20 guaranteed minutes of minimal interruption and literally get nothing done except the page opened up.  Multiply that by several years and I've all but given up!   HOWEVER, here I sit, in an effort to create a site that may be available to even those who don't use FaceBook.  If you're like me, you have an account but don't use it unless you're trying to find someone or buy a used bookshelf!  January seems like a good month for goal-setting! My hope is that we can eventually have multiple contribut...